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You can help out us any where you are. Click on the PDF in this box and look for your state and find out more on how you can help! JOIN THE FIGHT!


VOLUNTEER with these organizations


Learn about our many volunteer opportunities by reading the descriptions below. Then, fill out a volunteer application by clicking on the join the team link under this box!

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

Serving the uprooted in your neighborhood requires the dedication and generosity of many community members. As a volunteer, you can help make new beginnings happen in your community.

Refugee Service of Texas 

Since 1917,  Catholic Charities of of New York has been supporting New Yorkers in need by welcoming & Integrating Immigrants & Refugees and so much more. Please go check them out.

Mexican American Opportunity Foundation

Catholic Charities

The Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF) is a non-profit, community-based organization. It was created in order to serve disadvantaged individuals and hispanic families in the Los Angeles area.


Donate to legal services

Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), is an organization that wants to expand the access to legal resources for low-income immigrants who need it. If you cannot go out and physically join the fight to help out the immigrant and refugee communities then this a great organization to donate to. IAN will help thousands of people who can't afford to get help on their own.

Families for Freedom

Families for Freedom is a New York-based multi-ethnic human rights organization by and for families facing and fighting deportation. They help empower the immigrant community and want to fight against the laws that are tearing apart families and homes. They are a great foundation to donate to if you cannot go out and volunteer.

Donate to Ground Organizations

Donate to Gorund Organizations

Mariposas Sin Fronteras

Mariposas Sin Fronteras is a Tucson, AZ based group that seeks to end the systemic violence and abuse of LGBTQ people held in prison and immigration detention. They also fight for other things and they are open to hearing things they should add to their list of advocacy. 

Border Angels

Border Angels is an all volunteer, non profit organisation that advocates for human rights, humane immigration reform, and social justice with a special focus on issues related to issues related to the US-Mexican border. You can either volunteer or donate its up to you. Just make sure you are located near them, so make sure you call or research more about them.

The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights protects and advances the rights and best interests of immigrant children according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and state and federal law. They focus solely on protecting children and they have a diverse and bilingual staff. 

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) is a California leader with national impact made of diverse immigrant families and individuals who act as agents of social change to achieve a world with freedom of mobility, full human rights, and true participatory democracy. CHIRLA’s mission is to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants. 

Young Center for Immigrant Children

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